E/D/E Branchentreff

Learn more about the E/D/E Branchentreff

The Branchentreff, organized and hosted by E/D/E, has not only been the largest trading platform within the PVH for years,
but also serves as an effective interface between E/D/E members and suppliers. Communication is everything!
This is what the E/D/E Branchentreff stands for.

we take different paths

The conecpt is simple: The event enables participants to have intensive discussions in a pleasant atmosphere, condensed into two days without long distances. In addition, the industry meeting provides a communication platform between trade and industry. The key to the event's success lies in reversing the traditional dynamics. Representatives of the trading companies await the E/D/E contracted suppliers in their meeting booths. This setup allows both sides to efficiently present their offerings - undisturbed, focused and informal. Participants typically rotate every 30 minutes.

we connect you

It is not just about negotiating terms between suppliers and retailers, but much more. What are the latest trends? How to market innovations profitably? How to make new contacts and optimize existing ones? There are no limits to these topics at the industry meeting. Best of all, you can get the answers to all these questions in just two days and in one place.

We save miles

From the CEO to the buyer, from the innovator to the salesperson: It's all in the mix. The industry meeting brings everyone together in one place. The communication platform saves time, effort, miles and therefore money.
At the Branchentreff all of the information are available in one place. It helps you to reduce the number of business meetings around the country and saves valuable time that you can use for other things.

We create deep connections

Branchentreff attendees have had great experiences using face-to-face meetings and preparing for them with our special online calendar. The calendar allows you to plan and coordinate your meetings. The calendar gives you all the essential features for planning your event days. Everything at a glance: Clear presentation of available and assigned appointments with potential meeting partners. In this way, E/D/E members and contract suppliers can present their services much more intensively than at a conventional trade fair - undisturbed, concentrated and informal.

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